
Out of the FOG Into the CLEAR

Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships

My new book is now available on Kindle Unlimited, and in paperback or hard cover on Amazon


Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships.

In the FOG (Fear, Obligation, and Guilt) of a narcissistic, abusive, or other toxic relationship, feelings of paralysis, anxiety, depression, confusion, disorientation, not knowing who you are anymore, or how you got to this dark place in your life, are as terrifying and mystifying as ocean fog.


The FOG crept into your relationship so stealthily that you didn’t notice the dramatic swings from love-bombing to devaluing, the constant pressures, the lies, the gaslighting, the flashes of anger, all of it was just a bit of water vapor that was easily dismissed.


But over the months, or years, the FOG set in.


Toxic relationships are not an act of nature like ocean fog; they are the result of intentional tactics of manipulation, and control.


This FOG is not going to just lift. Nothing will change until you change it. So how do you find your bearings, push past this paralysis, clear away your vision, begin to heal the trauma, and rebuild your life?


The insights, strategies, and journal prompts in this book are designed to help you sail through the FOG and into the CLEAR.

Written by Author:

Shannon Petrovich, LCSW, LISAC, BCD
Group Coaching, Masterclass, Private Online Support Community;

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This book is packed with information including:

  • *Noticing and working through the negative internal self-talk that fuels your feelings of depression, self-blame, despair, and hopelessness.
  • Strategies to help you take stock of the Fear, Obligation, and Guilt that currently live inside you
  • Understanding trauma-bonding and how to untangle this unhealthy attachment
  • Boundaries; how to create and maintain them with people who don’t respect them
  • Placating, people-pleasing, and peacekeeping and how to stop undermining yourself
  • Finding clarity; staying focused on reality, and getting past the gaslighting
  • Leaving; emotionally as well as physically
  • Forgiving yourself, and others
  • Grappling with grief
  • Rebuilding your sense of self, and your life
  • Creating healthy self-care strategies, self-compassion, and self-support
  • And so much more!

It is possible to deal with and heal from toxic relationships, and this book will help you find your way. Welcome aboard, You can do this!

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Amazon Reviews

9 reviews on
Bob Meltzer
Bob Meltzer
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: A very effective self-help book. This is an excellent self-help book for freeing a person from the effects of destructive relationships. Rather than trying to change the person who is the source of the difficulty, the book provides an extensive tutorial on creating a strong positive framework within oneself. In chapter after chapter the book accomplishes this result by asking questions the reader can answer as part of an introspective “Journal”. The book is highly recommended for those in need and others who want to help.
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: Very insightful-I recommend Very insightful. The journaling guidance made me address the hard questions that were holding me back. I recommend highly.
Jill C.
Jill C.
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: Breath easier in the CLEAR! In the midst of emotional chaos, an easy to use resource that gets to the point is a breath of fresh air. Shannon Petrovich offers easily understood analogies and practical advice that won’t feel like you’ve added more to your overcrowded life. Step by step, you’ll follow a journaling path to clarity, get out of the fog and move into the CLEAR! If you are in a dense fog, Shannon’s journaling guide can lead you out.
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: A comprehensive guide to recovery from a toxic relationship. Shannon’s book, Out of the Fog, Into the Clear, is a comprehensive guide to recognizing a toxic relationship and removing it from your life. Toxic people are charming and manipulative so, in the beginning, it is easy to be drawn into their world. The problem comes when your worldview collides with theirs. When your self-interest becomes a threat to them. If you cannot disappear into their realm, it will inevitably lead to trouble. You must lose yourself and be wholly subservient to their needs, or else. Shannon’s book shows you, with a well-defined process, how to become aware of and disentangle yourself from the web of an abusive person. A toxic person can be a spouse, a parent, or even an adult child – anyone you hold dear. One important step is to acknowledge the grief of such a relationship and the agony of losing it even if it is for your own welfare. Not all love is truly love. It can be control disguised as love. Shannon provides journaling suggestions to help you clarify your thoughts and separate reality from emotion, a journalistic point of view - just the facts ma’am or sir. She encourages self-reflection and self-forgiveness. She emphasizes rebuilding your self-worth by finding purpose and living within your own values. Life goes on and is good when you can shine as your authentic self, not the moon eclipsed by the sun of a narcissistic person.
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: Very Helpful This book can be very helpful and encouraging if you are forced to deal with someone with narcissistic tendencies. Most of us are at a great disadvantage when in such relationships because: 1) Narcissists are very good at manipulating and the unwary will get burned over and over again. 2) We don't treat people the way they do--or at least we know it is wrong when we do. Whereas a narcissist almost seems to thrive on it. Having said this, "Out of the Fog, Into the Clear" provides all sorts of practical helps for recognizing narcissistic behavior (so you don't blame yourself), and more importantly, ways of dealing with the personal damage that may have already occurred from being in a relationship with such an individual. I strongly recommend it to promote healing and moving forward from the toxicity of narcissistic relationships.
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: Suffer from Narcissistic abuse or toxic relationship ? This book is book is MUST to have! I was trying to find more information about narcissism and how to deal with it. One of my friends recommended me this book.After I finish the book a lot of things become more clear for me. It really helped me a lot!Must read!
Jennifer Andjelich
Jennifer Andjelich
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: Helped me a lot! This book helped me a lot! She has so much insight on dealing with difficult relationships and how to heal yourself after. I felt it helped me so much more than other books I've read. I love that she provides little "homework" tools. I feel I'm getting stronger every day now!
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: Out of the Fog provides a clear path from other-inflicted abuse to self-love and healing One of the most disheartening realizations in my life was discovering it’s not all happening “out there”. However, the fact it’s happening “in here” provided me with the ability to re-shape my life. Shannon Petrovich’s book offers a concrete road map to healing: while the behaviors of our loved ones may have been (or are) traumatic, we (and only we) have the ability to heal ourselves.To take it a step further, Shannon’s book walks us through the very exercises that lead us to our own healing. It’s one thing to conceptually understand a skill (for example, I have many cookbooks, but simply reading them hasn’t made me a better cook), and it’s another thing to engage in the correct exercises that will help us to build that skill.The main purpose of Out of the Fog Into the CLEAR is to provide a guide we can utilize to heal ourselves. What I realized as I read Out of the Fog is that the very behaviors I experienced throughout my childhood were behaviors I then embodied as an adult. Self-healing then doesn’t just address my own pain, it can result in reducing the pain I inflict on others.Out of the Fog is both direct and clear. At times I found myself wanting to hide from the words. But it is exactly the directness that allowed me to see clearly into abusive relationships. “The only way out is through” (Dante Alighieri) comes to mind.A quote from Out of the Fog really struck me: “…self-esteem is not an outfit you put on. Rather it is about becoming your full, authentic self”. I spent the better part of 60 years believing the only way I could ever be lovable was if I could get my mother to love me. Learning to love myself has been a long process, but well worth the effort.I think Shannon’s book is easy to read and the exercises are worth taking the time and effort.
Out of the FOG, into the CLEAR; Journaling to Help You Heal from Toxic Relationships: If You Feel Trapped In A Difficult Relationship, This Book Is For You! The author deals with the behavior of abusive people, narcissists and the consequences experienced by their victims. The book is written in everyday English rather than with technical jargon. The great value of the book is how it helps the reader understand abusive people and practical steps to take the victim down the road to healing and recovery. She explains why many victims of abuse stay in such toxic relationships and provides victims with useful information to understand their own behavior. She has "homework" exercises to help the abused person understand the dynamics in the relationship. If you or someone you know is trapped in a difficult relationship please read the book or give it to a friend who needs help. They will thank you after they have read it. I learned a lot of useful information.

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